Sunday, March 23, 2008

Can't Tear Down "The Bat"

The meeting hub for the Yankees universe has a cloudy future, according to this Newsday article:

“Meet me at The Bat.”
It’s as much the Yankee Stadium experience as a visit to Monument Park, the Bleacher Creatures’ first-inning roll call or a $7.50 beer.
It’s The Bat, a popular meeting place at The House That Ruth Built. And no one is saying what’s going to happen to it once the stadium is demolished.
The 120-foot Louisville Slugger outside Gate 4—actually a boiler stack fitted to look like a bat, complete with a knob at the top, tape at the handle and Babe Ruth’s signature on the barrel—seems to have been overlooked as the Yankees prepare to make the move across the street to a new Yankee Stadium in 2009.
“We do not have knowledge of what will happen to ‘The Bat,’” Yankees spokesman Michael Margolis said.

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