Wednesday, February 6, 2008

McNamee Has Physical Evidence

Brian McNamee has physical evidence against Roger Clemens, according to The New York Daily News. Should the samples contain traces of PEDs and a DNA test proves the sample came from Clemens, the smoking gun will have finally made an appearance.

Brian McNamee has turned over physical evidence to federal investigators that he believes will show Roger Clemens used performance-enhancing drugs, according to McNamee's lawyers.

"This is evidence the government has that we believe will corroborate Brian in every significant way," said McNamee lawyer Earl Ward.

McNamee's attorneys would not discuss the details of the evidence, but according to a source close to the former Yankee strength and conditioning coach, McNamee gave the Justice Department's BALCO investigators vials with traces of steroids and growth hormone, as well as blood-stained syringes and gauze pads that may contain the Rocket's DNA.

Justice Department officials have sent the evidence to a lab for testing, and if the materials do indeed contain traces of drugs and blood, prosecutors may attempt to get a court order for a DNA sample from Clemens.

And the band played on, even though nobody was listening.

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